Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Crucible and Hamlet | Analysis
The Crucible and Hamlet | Analysis In The Crucible and Hamlet, the main themes of manipulation, ambition and religion are used frequently. Nonetheless, these themes are found in either the initial conflict, climax or conflict resolution for the plays. The initial conflict reflects the theme of ambition, manipulation starts to fail during the climax, and religion is a common theme throughout both plays but can be seen during the conflict resolution. In The Crucible, Abigail is considered to be the antagonist and in Hamlet, the villain is Claudius who kills his brother in order to become King. Both these characters put to use these themes, and have many things in common in terms of their goals. Three main themes are found common between the antagonists of both plays, and ultimately, they intertwine with one another. Manipulation plays a great role in both The Crucible and Hamlet. Claudius was the most manipulative character in Hamlet, he was the antagonist. Abigail from The Crucible was also the villain and antagonist in the play and was not able to meet her end goal just like Claudius. The striving King manipulated the people of him using his remarkable language and speech which he used as his weapon. He used his language to persuade the people of the kingdom that he is a noble and loyal King; also, he used this to manipulate Gertrude into believing that he is a good man and can replace her husband. In The Crucible, Abigail also has a weapon, however it is not like the one Claudius has. Abigail has leverage against Proctor. Thus, Abigail uses Proctors adultery as influence over John and uses it to manipulate the entire town. The only people who know the antagonists true intentions are the protagonists of the story. The quote A murderer and a villain,/ A slave that is not twentieth part the tith / Of your precedent lord, a vice of kings,/ a cutpurse of the empire and the rule/ that from a shelf the precious diadem stole,/ And put it in his pocket-(Shakespeare, act 3, scene 4), was said by Hamlet while talking to Gertrude and convincing her that Claudius is not the person she thinks he is. He says that Claudius is a murderer and he was able to take the throne by stealing using his manipulative powers. The only two people who knew who Abigail really was, was John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, the audience sees this when Proctor says, She thinks to dance with me on my wifes grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whores vengeance, and you must see it.(Miller,73) . The theme of ambition is recognized in the initial conflict of both stories. The initial conflict in Hamlet was the sighting of the ghost, when Hamlet finds out what happened to Hamlet Sr., his father, the audience understands how ambitious Claudius really is. Claudius would do absolutely anything to maintain his power, so the audience understands, because it is said that he killed his brother in order to become King. The initial conflict in The Crucible is when the girls were dancing in the woods the audience sees that she would curse just to be with him. Abigails main objective is to be with John Proctor. She was the cause of the deaths of innocent people in the town. Claudius killed his brother for his objective and Abigail had no problem killing innocent people of Salem just so she could be with John. Claudius knew what he did was wrong but cannot come to admit it to others. His ambition blurred his ability to admit and take the blame for the death of his brother. In act 3, scene 3, he reflects on his guilt, My fault is past. But oh, what form of prayer/ Can serve my turn, Forgive me my foul murder? (Shakespeare, Scene 3 Act 3). We do not see this form of confession about her wrong-doings from Abigail. She was there to complete her goal, and was not able to do so; therefore, she ended up leaving Salem. Religion plays a great role in both stories, we see this particularly in Hamlet. Claudius goes into confession to reflect on his sins, which is ironic because if he cared so much about cleansing his soul, why would he commit murder in the first place? At the most, he should admit to his guilt and deal with the consequences. However, in his confession we see that he cannot bring himself to resign his assets, he says, I am still possessed/ of those effects for which I did the murder, / my crown, mine own ambition and my queen. (Shakespeare, Act 3, Scene 3). In the Crucible, society is so sure about the existence of the devil, and they are all religious, therefore, Abigail uses religion to get what she wanted. She knew that if she used religion, she would have an effect on society as a whole. Which she tries to do by saying that she is associated with the Devil. In conclusion, the main themes of manipulation, religion and ambition play a great role in Hamlet and The Crucible. These three themes are common in the antagonists of the plays and also are found in either the initial conflict, climax or conflict resolution. In both plays, the protagonists know the truth behind everything. Claudius occasionally showed signs of guilt as well as signs of love towards Gertrude. However, Abigail only showed signs of love toward John Proctor, and throughout the story there are no signs of human feeling from her. All these themes are intertwined with one another. In the Crucible, Abigail uses religion as a form of manipulation to attain her goal. In Hamlet, ambition causes the death of Claudius brother, which results in him manipulating Gertrude and the kingdom, and ultimately allows him to show human feelings in confession. Therefore, the audience notices that both antagonists share common themes that occurred in each play.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Descriptive Essay – My Daughter’s Birthday
My Daughter’s Birthday I was almost nine months pregnant at the beginning of September, the summer coming to an end, but nonetheless, the bun in the oven was cooking on very high temperatures making me feel hot and miserable. As I waited in the doctor’s office for my weekly routine visit, I thought to myself, â€Å"I have two more visits left before I meet my sweet baby girl. †My doctor told me that due to the presumed size of my baby if I did not go into labor by the next morning, she was going to induce my labor.Being a new mom, I did not know what that meant but I had heard from other moms that this was a painful process and undoubtedly, I became scared. Sympathetic of my anxiety towards the induction, my doctor gave me some advice. She said go home, eat some greasy foods and have sex with your partner and that should make you go into labor. So needless to say, I followed my doctor’s orders. The calzones we ordered from our local pizzeria were deliciou s, dripping entirely with gooey cheese and grease.I jumped into bed to make love to my hubby and we were fast asleep by no later than 10:00 p. m. At about 1:00 a. m. , I woke up to subtle tightening on my belly. I thought to myself, â€Å"was that a contraction I just felt? †After about 10 minutes, sure enough I felt a lighting strike across my belly causing me to jump out of bed startling and waking my husband from his sleep. He suddenly laughed and said, â€Å"Did your doctor’s tip work? †Evidently it did, because a couple of hours later, we were headed to the hospital to deliver a baby.After arriving at the hospital it all seemed to have happened so fast because before I knew it, I was already undressed, robed and made as comfortable by the nurses. The discomfort of my labor pains had grown stronger and intensified each time I had a contraction taking over my belly. At about 10: 00 a. m. , the anesthesiologist and was ready to administer the epidural and th e fear of the long frightening needle, became a blessing in disguise.Within seconds the anesthesia began to work and the pain became much more tolerable. Shortly after a lengthy nap I heard the nurse say, â€Å"I’m calling the doctor, it’s time to start pushing. †By this time, mom and my sisters had arrived at the hospital and were also in the room. Of course my husband was also in the room which made the room headcount to about eight or nine people. My nurse told me, â€Å"just remember, screaming doesn’t help get the baby out you need to push with all you have†.I hung on to those words thinking I needed to focus and not be so dramatic which is pretty much what she implied. I needed to be ready, like a professional boxer is when he steps into a ring to meet his match. After three attempts of trying to push what felt like a basketball at the time, I became frustrated and fiercely told the doctor â€Å"get it out! †I looked over to my mom a nd she was crying as both my sisters were as well, and thought to myself shouldn’t I be the one crying?After a couple more pushes, I soon got what I and everyone else in that room wanted. At four minutes after five that evening, Sydney was born. Immediately after the nurses got her cleaned up and laid her on my chest and I was able to hold her in my arms and I looked at her beautiful soft face, my eyes welled up with tears as she so strongly took my breath away. Sydney was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen in my entire life. From that point forward, my life changed completely for the better and it will never be the same.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Review of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt
A Review of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt The Meaning of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt These tasks are frequently the ones a student overlooks. It's difficult to seek out help and direction that is simple to comprehend and follow. Yes, there are a number of students who can pull that sort of fabrication off with aplomb, but in the majority of scenarios, can does not mean should. Employing hands-free headsets won't work because it's the call that is distracting, not holding the telephone. The authors of literary work employ literary strategies, in a wide means to better the growth of the piece. The knowledge which you will get from developing a literary essay truly is something you could apply in various features of life especially in educational and literary purposes. One of the standard facets of successful art is that individuals take it for real. 1 One of the standard facets of successful art is that folks take it for real. Analysis of Content Bierce's narrative is one which uses content as a way of playing with literary devices. Thesis Statement in aLiterary Analysis Outline After you collect all of the material that you need, the next thing to do is to compose your thesis statement. Don't hesitate to browse the webpage and click on any individual download hyperlink button below a sample which you like. Next, a concise overview of the work is presented so the reader, who's perhaps not acquainted with the text, will be aware of what the text is all about. Then add any additional information which will help explain your topic. You will not discover a thesis statement generator online that is able to make an original argument which will not bore the reader. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Ideally, the target of close reading is to realize how an author's argument works as precisely as possible to be able to formulate a cogent and well-reasoned reaction. Be certain to read through the essay question a few times, then jot down the essential term or terms which let you know what approach you ought to be taking. Men and women who have trouble setting goals or don't know how to accomplish this, will obtain a better understanding after following the excerpts f rom these types of authors. You might just want to restate the question. In case the answer calls for a whole lot of information, you can need more than 1 paragraph. No matter the topic on which you're writing, all crucial responses follow the exact format. Read on to learn the answers to these questions! If you're being requested to construct an argument, it might not be the case which you simply have to write about which side is perfect. The essay ends off with a conclusion that brings together all your statements in a fashion that supports the major argument. Next comes the all-important thesis statement that contains a clear outlining of what characteristics of the author's argument you are going to be discussing. He uses substantial scientific evidence to support her argument and offers a personal opinion to emphasize the fundamental importance of individual choice. Introducing Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt To start with the end in mind means to begin with a very clea r comprehension of your destination. After you have that feeling of mission, you have the basis of your own proactivity. Simply take some time to consider it. Apparently, understanding how to clean burning oil isn't high on the list of things every 9-year-old should know. The True Meaning of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt The Introduction The coming of the literary analysis essay outline will set up the entire essay. There are various types of essay prompts. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Scroll down the page in order to look at extra essay samples which might help you in creating your very own literary essay. A prompt tells you what things to write about and why you're writing. If this is the case, you've seen an overall instance of a crucial response essay. Based on how long that you have, you might be able to move into Day 5 work. People today relish temporary victories rather than holding off and being victorious in the long term. Getting in a position to concentrate on the end goal can help you take the appropriate steps needed now to get there. All it requires is a couple goals for one to acquire hope and happiness. The Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt Chronicles At the exact same time, however, it embodies some of the most problematic facets of the new SAT for me. Smith goes on to say that there isn't a particular set of values which every individual should live by. It is intended to demonstrate how this form of academic paper needs to be written. All you need to do is to select one. The Basic Facts of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt When you are finished writing, you can return and look about your results to make sure your argument and your thesis coincide. Your essay should conclude with the same kind of gesture. 1 method of argumentation won't be fit for each context. Some tests include things like writing prompts.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Ethical Issues in Couseling Confidentiality Essay
Ethical Issues in Counseling: Confidentiality According to Code of Ethics of the American Mental Health Counselors Association (2000) it has the following principle about confidentiality: At the outset of any counseling relationship, mental health counselors make their clients aware of their rights in regard to confidential nature of the counseling relationship. â€Å"They fully disclose the limits of, or exceptions to, confidentiality, and or the existence of privileged communication, if any. (Corey, Schneider Callanan, 2011) This previous paragraph clearly stating what our ethical approach to confidentiality should be can be found in section 3.a in the Code of Ethics of the AMHCA. This paper starts with this probably confusing to others†¦show more content†¦Speaking of ways that the Code of Ethics may be â€Å"broken†what do we do when is a life threatening situation like AIDS and there is a 3rd party involved? And What if it is a minor? What should we as counselor do? Will we be breaking the code of ethi cs? These are questions that rose in my mind when searching for articles for this paper and it is important to cover them. According to Elliot D. Cohen in his article titled â€Å" Confidentiality, counseling, and Clients who have AIDS: Ethical Foundations of a Model Rule†he points out that the Ethical Standards of the American Association of Counseling and Development (AACD) â€Å" the counseling relationship and information resulting therefrom must be kept confidential, consistent with the obligations of the member as a professional person†(AACD,1988,Section b.2) meaning that all information that is shared in a counseling session should be kept confidential, as a secret between client and counselor, and that is something that when we hear the word confidential we immediately think no information will be shared with anybody else, but there is certain circumstances where this ethical code might not apply. If you find out for a fact, that your client, that you have been treating has a life threatening disease like AIDS, and is having sexual relations with another person things might change a little,
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