Friday, September 4, 2020
Global Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Worldwide Issues - Assignment Example ent isn't exclusively liable for all the choices made with respect to international strategies despite the fact that he is the essential planner and his investment is significant. The accompanying gatherings likewise help in molding the international strategies; the senate, congress, insight organizations, divisions of the bureau, and the military (Ramachandran, Sita.â 40). President Obama’s approach utilizes focused on power in a manner that is of a capable style. He is mindful, aware, certain and conscious. His authority style is one that is careful in dynamic. He was a representative before his political decision to administration. He was conceive an offspring in 1961 .He is a Harvard Law School and Columbia college graduate. He was a network coordinator before graduating. Filled in with respect to social liberties and showed constitution law. Previous president George Bush utilized even minded and traditionalist methodology in international strategies. He was persevering, straightforward, useful, eager, decided and mighty. He was conceived in 1946, a lawmaker and a business
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
What Is Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi's Relevance On Foreign Policies In Dissertation
What Is Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi's Relevance On Foreign Policies In Modern Day India - Dissertation Example Be that as it may, his adventures are not simply confined to carrying opportunity to his homeland yet has additionally stretched out to the fundamental way of thinking that a normal individual leads their existence with. Consequently, there is not really any uncertainty about the way that Gandhi ji’s convictions and theory additionally underlies the international strategies of the country by and large. Be that as it may, approaches do change throughout the years, and regardless of whether we consider Gandhi’s transcending character just as impact at the hour of the freedom of India, it can barely be said without taking a relook at the contemporary situation whether the heritage of counseling Gandhian strategies for setting out upon any arrangement of generous significance for India stills holds esteem or not. In the event that the current international strategy of India were to be assessed in the light of Gandhiji’s viewpoint or for that way of thinking, at that point an undeniable methodology is start with the opportunity battle of India, a period that was obviously ruled by the procedures defined by Gandhiji just as his a huge number of enthusiastic followers.Bandyopadhyaya noticed that the Gandhian beliefs were all the more a lot of arrangements that represented the methodologies of opportunity battle development of the Indian National Congress, the greatest political association initiating the opportunity development in India. The creator further reports this regularly fruitful methodology has been used by the administration of free India under its ‘Directive Principles of State Policy’ in the appearance of â€Å"peaceful settlement of worldwide disputes†. This is critical to our comprehension of how significant Gandhi ji and his proclaiming have been for the detailing of what India by and by is. As far as the importance of Gandhi ji in today’s political setting, we should recognize the way that the absolute m ost critical approaches relating to the space of remote relations have been profoundly impacted by the heritage that the Mahatma has deserted. In the light of what he pronounced, lectured just as rehearsed it is on us to give due acknowledgment to the immensity of his premonition, the size of his way of thinking just as the boundlessness of his intense impression of the plan of things in the political field. A large number of books, articles, research papers have been distributed on this â€Å"great soul†(Adams, 2010; Wolpert, 2001) and an imposing main part of writing has been distributed on different subjects identified with Gandhi ji and obviously not without reason. Among the notable fundamentals of Gandhian way of thinking, one of the chief columns was his partiality for just as firm confidence in the act of peacefulness. As different writers quote Godse in his book, who considers Gandhi ji a â€Å"violent pacifist†, however whether the Mahatma really brought â⠂¬Å"untold cataclysms to the nation†is truly faulty (Elst, 2001; Nussbaum, 2007; Karawan, 2008; Godse and Godse, 1989). Clearly Godse blames Gandhi ji for being liable for some a disaster that has shaken India by its underlying foundations at the hour of autonomy and therefore the term â€Å"violent pacifist†is essentially utilized in the pejorative. Presently we may likewise take a relook at what the term may mean separated from the derogatory undertones that Godse appended to it and consequently we may enjoy deconstructing the significance of the term in the light of Gandhi ji’s commitment to the opportunity battle just as his way of thinking being commensurate to get instrumental in molding the fate of the country not in inside the nation yet in addition remotely too. Returning to the debatable issue of that of Gandhi ji’s pertinence in present day India’s international strategies, we ought to clearly begin from the earliest starting point and follow the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
DePaul University Admissions and Acceptance Rate
DePaul University Admissions and Acceptance Rate With an acknowledgment pace of 70%, admission to DePaul University is to a great extent available for dedicated secondary school understudies with strong scholastic records. DePaul is test-discretionary, so understudies are not required to submit scores from the SAT or ACT. Extra application materials incorporate a secondary school transcript and a finished application form. Students can apply utilizing the Common Application.​ Interested understudies should look at the DePaul confirmations page and are urged to visit the grounds. Will You Get In? Compute Your Chances of Getting Inâ with this free apparatus from Cappex Confirmations Data (2016) DePaul University Acceptance Rate: 70%GPA, ACT and SAT diagram for DePaulDePaul has test-discretionary admissionsTop Illinois schools SAT comparisonBig East SAT examination chartBig East ACT correlation chartTop Illinois schools ACT correlation DePaul University Description DePaul Universitys 24,000 understudies make it the biggest Catholic college in the nation, and one of the biggest private colleges. DePaul was established by the Vincentians in 1898, and the school stays focused on giving instructive chances to understudies from a wide scope of social and monetary foundations. One of every three students are original undergrads, and understudies originate from 100 distinct nations and each of the 50 states. DePaul exploits its area in Chicago to give understudies hands-on, viable learning encounters. The college has one of the most elevated appraised administration learning programs in the nation. It has gotten grants for greatness in assorted variety and as perhaps the best spot for ladies and differing administrators to work. In games, the DePaul Blue Demons contend in the NCAA Division I Big East Conference. Mainstream sports incorporate soccer, b-ball, olympic style sports, and tennis. Enlistment (2016) All out Enrollment: 23,110 (15,407 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 47% Male/53% Female86% Full-time Costs (2016â -17) Educational cost and Fees: $37,626Books: $1,104 (why so much?)Room and Board: $13,387Other Expenses: $2,364Total Cost: $54,481 DePaul University Financial Aid (2015â -16) Level of Students Receiving Aid: 97%Percentage of Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 96%Loans: 59%Average Amount of AidGrants: $19,085Loans: $6,865 Scholarly Programs Most Popular Majors: Accounting, Communication Studies, Finance, General Studies, Management Sciences, Marketing, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is directly for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Move, Retention and Graduation Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time understudies): 85%4-Year Graduation Rate: 59%6-Year Graduation Rate: 73% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Track and Field, Cross CountryWomens Sports: Soccer, Volleyball, Track and Field, Tennis, Softball, Cross Country, Basketball Information Source National Center for Educational Statistics On the off chance that You Like DePaul, You May Also Like These Schools College of Chicago: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNew York University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphPurdue University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Michigan - Ann Arbor: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphIndiana University - Bloomington: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Iowa: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDominican University: Profile Columbia College Chicago: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Illinois at Chicago: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph
Drinks that Influenced History and Civilization Essay Example for Free
Beverages that Influenced History and Civilization Essay The creator portrays the inception of six beverages that enormously impacted history and human progress far and wide: brew, wine, spirits, espresso, tea, and cola. He clarifies how each drink was the characterizing drink during an authentic period from times long past to introduce day. The liquids are indispensable in light of the fact that each had a job of molding the advanced world. They have been utilized as monetary forms, in strict rituals, as a political image, wellsprings of philosophical and aesthetic motivation. Some have served to feature the intensity of the first class, and conciliate the oppressed. They associated world societies by affecting exchange, economy, religion, and governmental issues. Lager was found through various techniques for cooking and putting away oat grains. At the point when the ice age finished, terrains, for example, the Fertile Crescent gave bounteous oat grains. Such grains gave a dependable wellspring of food, and the capacity to store oat grains started to urge individuals to remain in one spot. This brought about lasting settlements as social orders changed from chasing and assembling to cultivating. Despite the fact that the occupants of such towns kept on chasing, skeletal proof proposes that they stayed alive for the most part on plant-based weight control plans. Lager was shared, and it was image of neighborliness and kinship. To Neolithic consumers, beer’s capacity to inebriate and age appeared to be enchanted, and it was reasoned that it was a blessing from the divine beings. Lager drinking societies recount stories and legends of how it was found. Mesopotamians and Egyptians considered lager to be an old, inherent beverage that bolstered their reality, shaped piece of their social and strict character, and had incredible social significance. It was devoured by anybody paying little mind to status, age, or sex. Lager affected the development and dispersion of the most punctual human advancements significantly. The development of complex social orders, the need to keep set up accounts, and the prominence of lager all followed from the overflow of grain. It was likewise utilized as a type of money and installment. Lager likewise had an immediate connect to wellbeing. Mesopotamians and Egyptians utilized it therapeutically. The Egyptians utilized bread and brew in memorial services. Without the revelation of brew, the most punctual human advancements of Southwest Asia and Egypt would not have been as prosperous.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Eisenhower and U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia Essay
Eisenhower and U.S. Approach in Southeast Asia - Essay Example Vietnam approach under Eisenhower can be summarized with two headings. Initial, a hesitance to effectively do battle in Vietnam utilizing the full intensity of the American military assault power, regardless of the way that Eisenhower recognized the Communist risk from China in Southeast Asia. This hesitance made residential political grating inside the Republican Party and cause a split between the individuals who furiously contradicted Communism and supported full-scale war with Vietnam and Eisenhower, who kept down for both outside and interior reasons.Secondly, Eisenhower’s priority drove future Administrations to the attention on air assaults instead of coordinating the assault ashore powers. When the U.S. at long last attacked militarily, this arrangement made starting misfortunes in the war as the Vietnamese demonstrated their boss land influence that later prompted the annihilation and withdrawal of American powers. Since the Vietnamese had the option to stow away in t he wildernesses and support negligible harm, air assaults were ineffectual and the arrangement to send in constrained land powers †a strategy established in the Eisenhower period - demonstrated hasty on the grounds that the quality of the Vietnamese was in their guerilla land powers and they would unmistakably show to the Americans †similarly as they had to the French †that the Vietnamese would not be vanquished on land.Eisenhower’s approach on Vietnam is best uncovered by two critical occasions. The principal occasion built up the political structure for his strategy and that was Eisenhower’s acclaimed domino theory.... Also, Eisenhower's priority drove future Administrations to the attention on air assaults as opposed to coordinating the quality of the assault ashore powers. When the U.S. at last attacked militarily, this strategy made starting mishaps in the war as the Vietnamese demonstrated their boss land power that later prompted the destruction and withdrawal of American powers. Since the Vietnamese had the option to cover up in the wildernesses and continue insignificant harm, air assaults were insufficient and the arrangement to send in constrained land powers - an approach established in the Eisenhower period - demonstrated hasty on the grounds that the quality of the Vietnamese was in their guerilla land powers and they would obviously show to the Americans - similarly as they had to the French - that the Vietnamese would not be crushed ashore. Eisenhower's approach on Vietnam is best uncovered by two critical occasions. The primary occasion built up the political system for his arrangement and that was Eisenhower's celebrated domino hypothesis. The second occasion that uncovered how his approach would be done is uncovered in the local and universal discussion over U.S. intercession as the French were being crushed at Dienbienphu in 1954. On April 7, 1954, President Eisenhower held a question and answer session during which he was approached to remark on the vital significance of Indochina to the free world (Williams, et al: 156). The President reacted with the similarity of a falling domino. He stated, You have a column of dominoes set up, you thump over the first, and what will befall the last one is the conviction that it will go over rapidly. So you could have a start of crumbling that would have the most significant impacts. He proceeded to state, Yet when we go to the conceivable succession of occasions, the
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Questions to Ask a New Therapist
Questions to Ask a New Therapist PTSD Treatment Print Questions to Ask a New Therapist By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 30, 2019 Tom M Johnson/Blend Images/Getty Images More in PTSD Treatment Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Related Conditions PTSD and the Military Knowing what questions to ask a therapist during your visit can help reduce anxiety. Knowing what to ask can also help you determine whether there could be a good fit between you and your new therapist. Here are some questions that you may want to ask in order to get a better feel for your new therapists background, training, and expertise. Are You Licensed? Therapists are generally required to be licensed by the state in which they practice, or at least be under the supervision of someone licensed. All states have different requirements for licensure; however, being licensed means that the therapist has passed the minimum competency standards for training within that state. Competency is usually achieved by obtaining a certain degree, obtaining a certain number of hours working with clients, and having passed a written and/or oral exam. What Kind of Training Have You Received? Depending on who you are meeting with, the educational background of therapists can differ. For example, your therapist may be a psychiatrist, psychologist or licensed clinical social worker. All of these professions are able to provide therapy; however, the education they received is different. In addition, it would be important to ask the therapist if, as part of his or her education, he or she received training in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What Is Your Treatment Orientation? Just as the educational background of therapists may differ, so will their orientation. What is meant by the word orientation? Orientation refers to the psychological theory that the therapist draws from in understanding and treating psychological difficulties. For example, some therapists believe that psychological difficulties stem from problems in thinking. This type of therapist would likely have a cognitive behavioral orientation. Others may believe that psychological difficulties stem from our early childhood (particularly, our attachment to caregivers). This type of therapist would be considered to have a psychodynamic orientation. There is no one right orientation. However, a therapists orientation is going to influence how they would go about conceptualizing and treating your PTSD. Ideally, you would want to find a therapist that views your difficulties in a way that makes sense to you. How Many Patients With PTSD Have You Treated? You should ask a therapist if they have had experience in treating PTSD. In addition, it would be important to know how they generally go about treating PTSD. Do they use exposure therapy? Psychodynamic psychotherapy? Is the treatment they use supported by research? There are many treatments for PTSD out there; however, only a few are supported by research. You would want to find someone who is familiar with these treatments and uses them in their practice. What Is Your Expertise or Specialty? Some therapists have received specialized or focused training in one or two disorders. If you are seeking help for your PTSD, you would want to know if the therapist has expertise in trauma, PTSD, or at the very least, anxiety disorders. What Is the Cost per Session? Therapy can be expensive, and therefore, it is important to know from the beginning how much each session is going to cost you. You may also want to ask what kind of insurance is accepted and what your co-pay would be. If you are having trouble affording therapy, you may want to inquire if the therapist has a sliding scale. This means that the therapist has different prices depending on the clients income. Can You Prescribe Medication or Make Referrals for Medication? People differ in their beliefs on the use of medication for psychological difficulties. However, if you are interested in being evaluated for medication, it would be important to meet with a psychiatrist or to ask your therapist if he or she can make a referral to a psychiatrist. Do You Stay Up-to-Date on Research on PTSD? New research findings on PTSD and its treatment come out almost every day. Therefore, you would want to make sure that your therapist stays up-to-date in their training and familiarity with new research on how best to treat PTSD. Will Therapy Be Time-Limited or Long-term? Some PTSD treatments may be time-limited. That is, they may last only for a certain number or sessions. Other treatments may be more long-term. It would be important to talk with your therapist about whether or not your treatment will be ongoing or will end after your symptoms are reduced to a certain point. Finding the Right Therapist It can be very difficult to find the right therapist for you. Remember, in seeking out a new therapist, you are a consumer, and you should approach the experience as you would making an investment. In many ways, beginning therapy is an investment. It is an investment in both time and money, as well as your future. Therefore, it is important that you find the therapist that is going to work best for you in getting your needs met. This list of questions is not an exhaustive list; however, it should help you start thinking about what kind of therapist you want and what kind of questions you can ask.
Monday, June 22, 2020
2016-17 Coalition Application Guide
What Students and Parents Need to Know About the New Coalition College Admission Application Looking for the 2018-19 Coalition App Guide? Click here! As the class of 2021 prepares for the college admissions season this fall they’ll have an extra college application option to choose from: the Coalition application. There have been a lot of questions about the new competitor to the Common App since its announcement, and we’re here to help with a comprehensive guide to the Coalition college application including what it is, what it includes, and whether or not to use it to apply to college this fall. What is the Coalition Application? In September of 2015 it was announced that over 80 colleges, including all the Ivy Leagues and Stanford, would be forming the Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success (CAAS) in an effort to â€Å"increase college access and revamp the way that students apply to college.†Rumors that elite colleges were searching for a Common App alternative had been swirling for a while, and the announcement of the CAAS was the culmination of many months of speculation. While the Common Application has over 600 member colleges, the CAAS has a smaller member number – a little over 90 – and each member college must meet criteria like affordable tuition, need-based aid, and a six-year graduation rate of 70% or higher. The CAAS application platform has a number of tools, including the locker, where students can store essays, projects, and other materials for review by counselors and admissions officers, the application itself, and resources for students who may have limited access to college prep materials and guidance. Coalition Application Release The locker portion of the Coalition application launched in May, allowing students to begin navigating the platform and starting uploading materials. Here’s a demo of how to use the Coalition application locker. The application itself isn’t expected to launch until later this summer. It remains to be seen if there will be technical set backs, similar to the Common Application problems students experienced when their new application launched in 2013. While the application itself isn’t available yet, students can get a head start on the Coalition-specific essay. Coalition Application Essay Prompts Similar to the Common Application, the Coalition app will have a main essay and member colleges will have the option to add additional, school-specific essay prompts. Here are the 2016-17 Coalition application essay prompts: Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it. Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to others in which the greater good was your focus. Discuss the challenges and rewards of making your contribution. Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs? What is the hardest part of being a teenager now? What’s the best part? What advice would you give a younger sibling or friend (assuming they would listen to you)? Submit anessayon a topic of your choice. Most notably the Coalition essay offers a â€Å"topic of choice†prompt, which the Common Application eliminated in 2013. Here are the 2016-17 Common Application essay prompts for comparison. Colleges Using the 2016-17 Coalition Application Because of the uncertainly surrounding the new application platform since it won’t be released until the start of the next admissions cycle, there has been a lot of speculation over whether or not all member colleges would use the application this fall. It has been confirmed that not all member colleges will use the application when it opens this fall. Here’s a list of the colleges that will use the Coalition application for the 2016-17 admissions season: American University Amherst College Bowdoin College Bryn Mawr College CalTech Carleton College Claremont McKenna College Clemson University Colby College Colgate University College of the Holy Cross College of William Mary Columbia University Connecticut College Davidson College Denison University Duke University Emory University Hamilton College Harvard University Indiana University - Bloomington Johns Hopkins University North Carolina State University at Raleigh Northeastern University Northwestern University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University Pomona College Purdue University Reed College Rice University Rutgers University - New Brunswick St Olaf College Stanford University State University of New York - Binghamton University State University of New York - University at Buffalo State University of New York - College at Geneseo Swarthmore College Texas AM University Tufts University Union College University of Chicago University of Connecticut University of Florida University of Iowa University of Maryland - College Park University of Minnesota - Twin Cities University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of South Carolina University of Virginia University of Washington Vanderbilt University Wake Forest University Washington University in St. Louis Williams College Yale University Most notably the Ivy League institutions not using the Coalition application this fall are Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Princeton. Coalition Exclusive Colleges While most Coalition member colleges will still utilize the Common Application or their own application platform in addition to the Coalition application, a few colleges have stated they will be â€Å"Coalition-exclusive,†meaning they will only utilize the Coalition application for admissions. Colleges accepting only the Coalition application are: University of Florida University of Maryland-College Park University of Washington-Seattle Common App vs. Coalition App: Which Should You Use? Since many of the colleges using the Coalition application are also still using the Common Application, students applying to the class of 2021 might be confused as to which application colleges will â€Å"prefer.†Just like with the SAT and ACT, there’s no one platform that colleges will prefer over the other. Don’t think that using the Coalition application and not the Common Application will give you an admissions advantage and vice versa. At, we’re advising students to stick with the Common Application, as there are too many unknowns with the Coalition application. Students utilizing the Common Application can make accounts now that will roll over when the new application officially launches Aug. 1, allowing students plenty of time to become familiar with the platform and how it works, and even get a head start on filling out their applications. Since the Coalition application has yet to launch and students and counselors haven’t even seen any of the functionality, students won’t have time to properly educate themselves on the platform before the start of the college admissions season. Our undergraduate admissions counselors also want students to avoid any technical difficulties that may be associated with a new platform launch. Since this is the first year it’s being used, and it has yet to launch or be tested by students and counselors, there’s a very high chance that some bugs will need to be worked out. We want students to avoid problems like lost materials, incomplete applications, and other technical glitches that they may encounter that might negatively affect the college application process. Staying informed on the latest college admissions news and trends is important when applying to college, and it’s even more important than ever with a new college application option entering the market. Do your research before deciding on which college admissions application to use!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Tesco Global Operations Solidly Profitable and Growing Free Essay Example, 1500 words
Although the Tesco company started its operations as a sole proprietorship business, developments throughout the course of operations enhanced change of ownership to a public limited company. First development saw the company become a private limited company that later developed into a public limited company. The company s current shareholding amounts to around one hundred and sixty-five thousands of shareholders. The company now divides its core strategy to enhance customer outreach and satisfaction. These branches stem from core UK businesses, retailing services as well as non-food and international services. The company continues its dominance as the largest food retailer around the UK since 1995 (Pinto, 2012, pg. 14). It overtook its competitors like Sainsbury s in the food industry. It currently operates more than eight hundred stores all over Europe. Jack Cohen ensured these developments through continued savings and first opening new selling groceries in the larger East Londo n. After floating the stocks of Tesco in the stock market, the first supermarket started its operations. Growth has not only been achieved through the opening of new stores but also the acquisition of existing businesses. We will write a custom essay sample on Tesco Global Operations Solidly Profitable and Growing or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Though the company uses the autocratic style of leadership, the company s operations run under five departments. The company current organizational structure comprises of five divisions (Lorenz, 2014 pg. 69). These divisions are; finance, administration, human resource, and marketing as well as research and development function.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Changing World Of Business - 929 Words
The Changing World of Business - BUSS1131 Formative Assignment 2014-2015 Introduction With an increasing change of market,experts and specialists arouse widen concern about long-term mind-set in firms becoming more significant through manager’s strategies.For a rough define ‘long-term’, ‘a multiyear time horizon for value creation’(Barton and Wisemanï ¼Å'2014).Investing in and creating a profitable new business within the time indicates how company leaders compare business’s value. The purpose of the essay consider the tendency when corporate leaders shape business between long-term and short-term view and the source of those problems will be proven. In addition ,how enterprises put their weight among customers, shareholders and employees discuss later. advantages of long term Although great strides have been made in recognizing long-term perspectives(Barton,2011),main asset owners still prefer short-term strategies as their priority selection due to focusing on greater earnings,continuing pressure from firm’s boards.Pressure from financial market result in company less able to investing long-term projects. However,a favorable corporate reputation(Jà ¤rvinen and Suomi, 2011)ï ¼Å'gently GDP growth, higher employment and fewer return for investors are favorable to far-reaching consequences for firms(Barton and Wiseman,2014).Long-term view on business is high likely to create a good reputation gaining a competitive advantage which lead to profitability,because long-term projectShow MoreRelatedIn Today’S World The Business Environment Is Rapidly Changing1484 Words  | 6 Pages In today’s world the business environment is rapidly changing so the strategy formulation and implementing it should me the vital key role in any organization. Hence Strategy management is defined as the process of making strategies and implementing strategies to meet the long term goal and sustain in the competitive world (Schermerhorn, 2012).It involves the environmental factors (both internal and external), strategy formulation and implementation, analysis and control. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Speech Topics to Meet Oral Communication Standards
Speech topics are a key element for impromptu oral presentation activities. Coming up with them can be a challenge for the teacher. You can use this collection of speech topics for oral presentations or use them to inspire your own variations. Impromptu Oral Presentation Activity Put all of the topics on slips of paper and have your students pick out of a hat. You can either have the student begin the presentation immediately or give a few minutes to prepare. You may have a student pick the topic just before the student before them presents so they have that time to think. In this case, give the very first student a few minutes to prepare. Impromptu Oral Communication Speech Topics You are an ant. Convince an anteater to not eat you.Explain three different ways to eat an Oreo cookie.Tell us about a nickname you have and how you got it.Convince us to vote for you as president of the USA.Explain three uses for a pencil other than for writing.Read us a letter you might write home when you are staying at a circus training summer camp.Tell us about your summer plans.Convince us that homework is harmful to your health.Tell us about your favorite pet and why it should win the Greatest Pet Ever award.If you were an animal, what would you be?You are a salesperson trying to sell us the shirt you have on.Explain how a smart person might not be wise.If you were the teacher, how would our class be different?Tell us about the hardest thing you have ever done.You are a mad scientist. Tell us about your latest invention.You are a famous sports player. Describe your best moment of a game.You are a famous rock star. Explain what the lyrics of your latest hit song mean.Tell us ab out the best job.Explain the benefits of drinking milk.Tell us how to become a millionaire.You are 30 years old. Tell us how you became a millionaire by age 18.Tell us about the best dream youve ever had.Create a myth that explains why pelicans have large beaks.Tell us how to make a new friend.Tell us about the most fun recess activity.Tell us about your favorite holiday.Tell us how to make your favorite meal.Explain which came first: the chicken or the egg.Explain the rules to your favorite game.If everything in the world had to change to the same color, what color would you choose and why?Explain how you would use a hat to catch butterflies. Be sure to identify the type of hat that is required.You are a piece of paper. Describe how we should use you before you get recycled.Explain how to make a pizza.Explain four uses for a drinking glass other than for holding a liquid.Convince our principal to give students their birthdays off of school.Describe how you would modify a snail so i t can go faster.Explain the best way to teach an old dog a new trick.Describe the life cycle of a frog or butterfly.Explain what you would do if you were a monkey suddenly set free from a zoo.Describe one school rule you would change and why.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Enlightenment That Changed The Views Of People And...
During the 1760’s, the Enlightenment had hit Western culture with full force and lead everyone to believe in that every person was born with a clean slate, or â€Å"tabula rasa†. The Enlightenment was an era full of new ideas which changed the views of people and science. As time went on, the Romantic Era started to take form in the admiration of humans and nature. This era continued to have all people seen as equals and focused on one’s emotion. After Romanticism, Western countries discovered the importance of colonization and started to search for new land to attain. Africa and Asia provided the Western countries with what they needed, so they fought for land within these areas for resources and strategic reasons. Although all people were seen as equals in the late 1700’s and non-Westerners were admired for a short period of time, views of natives soon degraded as new ideologies began to take way in Western society. With the new ideologies from Romantici sm and Imperialism, non-Westerners soon became known as noble savages, and Social Darwinism and the â€Å"White Man’s Burden†eliminated the idea of non-Westerners being equals with Westerners. During the Enlightenment, new ideas that influenced Western ideologies were arising and making the people of the world more equal than ever. Despite the occurrence of the French and Indian War, Britain was able to see that non-Westerners shared similar values of life as they had. As a British Soldier, William Smith’s account of the French andShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Enlightenment1351 Words  | 6 PagesThe Enlightenment Throughout Europe and the new American colonies in the 18th century there was a great movement in thought. This trend that preceded the French Revolution is known as the Enlightenment. Revolutionary writers and thinkers thought that the past held only darkness and ignorance, they began to question everything. Enlightened thought entered, or intruded, into all aspects of life in the 1700s. Governments were drastically reformed, art and literature changed in scope, religionRead MoreA Great Period Of Time1528 Words  | 7 Pagesearly western world was the Bible. People lived there lives according to the bible and followed Christian tradition. â€Å"Prior to the Enlightenment, believing in God in the West was like believing in the sunrise; the answer to all the big questions of life was God†(Wade). During this time many things revolved around the bible, as did the government since the bible was the main source of knowledge. Many viewed Christianity as the centerpiece of th eir lives, but the view of many would soon change duringRead MoreThe Great Awakening And Enlightenment991 Words  | 4 Pages The ages of Great Awakening and Enlightenment were two of the earliest movements in the early colonies. These movements proved that people can be influenced in many different ways in relation to politics and religion. The Great Awakening called for the revival of the evangelical movement, while the age of Enlightenment took the focus off of the traditional church and dared colonists to apply individualistic views of religion, thus birthing many new religious denominations that challenged traditionalRead MoreThe Enlightenment Puritanism Essay807 Words  | 4 Pages The Enlightenment period, also known as The Age of Reason, was a period of social, religious, and political revolution throughout the 18th century which changed the thoughts of man during this â€Å"awakening†time. It was a liberation of ignorant thoughts, ideas, and actions that had broken away from the ignorant perception of how society was to be kept and obeyed thus giving little room for new ideas about the world. Puritan society found these new ideas of thought to be extremely radical in comparisonRead MoreAge of Enlightenment: Revolutionary Viewpoints Spreading Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesThe age of enlightenment is a term used to describe a time in Western philosophy and cultural life centered upon the late 17th and 18th century. ( When the word enlightenment comes to mind your first thought is of change for the better. A time of prosperity and success within a country. Several individuals have been credited and blamed for leading and contributing to the Enlightenment. These thinkers not only changed their views, but also spread revolutionary ideas to others. TheseRead MoreThe Enlightenment Period : The Age Of Reason1332 Words  | 6 PagesAge of Awareness The Enlightenment period, also known as The Age of Reason, was a highly intellectual movement of the late seventeenth century and the eighteenth century Europe. This development highlighted reasoning, equality and more of a humanistic approach was taken as opposed to traditional practice. This period was heavily influenced by scientific thought, skepticism and intellectual stimulation. The plan of this era was to reform society and the way it used reasoning as well as oppose longRead MoreEverlasting Changes During the Enlightenment1512 Words  | 6 PagesThe Enlightenment marked the beginning of a revolution that began to utilize reason to base knowledge and truth. It was a new way of thinking and interpreting people and societies. Encompassing over seventy years, the Enlightenment spread drastically throughout the world, motivated by improving intellect and the human society. Scholars congregated at coffeehouses to debate and further their learning in a far less formal many than institutions. Enlightenment thinkers were a unique group intolerantRead MoreThe Church And The System Of Monarchy1430 Words  | 6 Pagesof the church and the system of the monarchy was the way the cities and countries were ruled and people would not question it because it was the way that they must be follow or else there would be consequences. Although there were those who constantly reinforced the old customs, change is inventible in history. People stopped listening to the church and started to learn for themselves. The enlightenment period was born and the old world was a talk of the past. It completely reinvented the ideas andRead MoreEnlightenment and Puritans782 Words  | 4 Pages The Enlightenment period, also known as The Age of Reason, was a period of social, religious, and political revolution throughout the 18th century which changed the thoughts of man during this â€Å"awakening†time. It was a liberation of ignorant thoughts, ideas, and actions that had broken away from the ignorant perception of how society was to be kept and obeyed thus giving little room for new ideas about the world. Puritan society found these new ideas of thought to be extremely radical in comparisonRead MoreWhat Is the Enlightenment? How Was This Question Answered by 18th Century Thinkers? and How Have Their Ideas Influenced Our Understanding of Modernity?962 Words  | 4 PagesThe Enlightenment of the eighteenth century was an intellectual movement and was seen to have different definitions created by a range of philosophes during and after the enlightenment period. These philosophers included Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Francis Bacon, Marquis de Condorcet, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Rene Descartes. Some believed that the enlightenment somewhat defined what we now call modernity and consider to be human. Immanuel Kant quoted in his famous 1784 essay, the â€Å"Enlightenment is
Essay About an Injury Free Essays
My Injury Name: Pleun Fijneman Class: 2H Teacher: Nugteren Name: Pleun Fijneman Class: 2H Teacher: Nugteren What happened? I’m going to tell you about the fracture me brother got. It happened one day before we went on wintersports. He was playing soccer with his friends, and one of them thought it was funny to make him stumble, so he went leg hooking at my brother. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay About an Injury or any similar topic only for you Order Now My brother felt and he had a lot of pain in his leg. He couldn’t walk on it anymore, so they all helped my brother to the house of one of them. The mother of the friend where they were, brought my brother to our house. My brother looked very pale. Then my mother brought him to the emergency room, and he was sent to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital they had to wait for a long time. He said to me he had never felt so much pain as then. Then a doctor came and took him to the plastery room. First, he was laid down in a chair, and then the doctor tried to put his leg in the right position. My brother was dying of pain when the doctor touched it, and certainly when he was putting his leg in right position. After that the doctor made a X-ray of his leg, so he could see what was wrong. The doctor told my mom that he had a crack in his tibia (shin bone). The doctor was telling about fractures, but my mom didn’t know what it meant, so the doctor explained the meaning: â€Å"it’s a crack, break, or shattering of a bone, and Toots (my brother) has a crack in his bone. He has a tibia stress fracture. It’s an acute traumatic injury. which usually involve a single blow from a single application of force. †The joints which were involved: knee joint, ankle joints (and hinge joints). He couldn’t move them for 6 weeks, because the plaster was wrapped around it. Recovery During recovering my brother did go with us on wintersports, but he said it was very boring for him. Because he did not go skiing or snowboarding. He had to stay at the house which we had hired, or go with us to the snow mountain range where we would go skiing. Most times he stayed home, because it was not very handy to always bring a wheelchair. When we got back home, the friend who made him stumble came over to apologize. Now it happened 4 years ago, but my brother is still a little bit mad at him. Because it was our first wintersports vacation and he couldn’t go skiing. When school started, he stayed most of the time at home, or he came to school at middays. He was at home for 6 weeks. After 3 weeks, he got new plaster. The plaster helped to keep the bone in the same place, so it could cure well. after 2 weeks with the new plaster he got walking cast and crutches, so he could go back to school again and learn how to walk. When he was at school, all his friends started writing sweet things on his leg. My brother was very happy that he could go to school again. Then finally his plaster could go off. His leg was very thin, and it looked a little bit scary, but after one week it looked normal again. Photo How to cite Essay About an Injury, Essay examples
Computer Tech Research Paper free essay sample
Mrs. Paris English 3/20/2013 Aspiring Computer Wiz As a senior in high school there can be many stressful and obstacles that you will face. There are so many things that you have to handle all at one time. You have to balance your school work, social life, and factor in having a job if that applies to you. Two of the biggest matters you have to sort out are what college do you plan to attend, if you do plan on going to college, and what you want your career to be. As someone who has been in to hands-on activities and computers I have combined those two interests into one and have come to the decision that I would like my career to be a computer technician. I have done some research about this career and have learned about what colleges are best to attend and what exactly a computer technician is and does. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Tech Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A computer technician is someone that repairs and maintains computers and servers. A technicians responsibilities may include building or configuring new hardware, installing and updating software, and creating and maintaining computer networks. They may work in a corporate information technology department, a central service center, or a retail computer sales environment. A public technician might work in the military, national security or law enforcement communities, health or public safety field, or an educational institution. Despite the wide variety of work environments, all computer technicians perform similar physical and investigative processes, including technical support. Experienced technicians would specialize in fields like data recovery, system administration, or information systems. Some technicians are self-employed or own their own business that provides services in a regional area. Some are freelancers or consultants. This type of technician ranges from hobbyists that volunteer that make a little side money, to those who work professionally in the field. Since this is a somewhat new profession, colleges offer certificates and degree programs designed to prepare new technicians, but computer repairs are frequently performed by experienced and certified technicians who have little formal training in the field. There are many of college that offers computer technician degrees and a lot of the mare well known college. One of the best colleges to attend to if you’re looking for more knowledge and better your chances in getting that computer technician career is University of Phoenix. They offer a vast variety of technology degrees such as database development, information technology support, networking, programming, and web design. Depending on what you want to specialize in as a computer technician the University of Phoenix will have you covered in just about any of the fields you would want to go in. Something that sets them apart of may be an advantage even, is that you can receive these types of degrees with online classes. It would be less stressful since you would be working at home in your own comfort and wouldn’t have to worry about living on campus or having to drive back and forth to school. The University of Phoenix is the largest private university in North America and the headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. Class sizes are small and typically have 15 or less students per class. The University of Phoenix has close to 600,000 graduates, nearly 480,000 current students and 32,000 faculty members, which all together make a large network of potential contacts. The University of Phoenix provides personal attention from their instructors, but you also will work together with other students as part of a learning team with each class you take. The school emphasizes that teamwork provides the chance for students to interact with each other, exchange ideas, and become more equipped for the workplace.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Why We Cant Wait By Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Example For Students
Why We Cant Wait By Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Why We Cant Wait By Martin Luther King Jr. While reading Dr. Kings novel, I was able to get an uncensored idea of what African Americans went through in their struggle for civil rights. I cannot comprehend the extent to which they suffered while protesting, and it would be ignorant of me to think that I could understand. The many people who fought with Martin Luther King, Jr. for civil rights understand something about this country that I am only beginning to discover. I can only hope this shameful part of our history is never repeated. I felt a sense of disgust and shame while reading about the events of the Civil Rights struggle in Birmingham, Alabama. I have always heard that they would used dogs and water hoses to push back crowds, but I always got the sense that it was some kind of chaotic protesting on the part of the African Americans. I cannot believe that people who live in a country based on freedom of speech and the other rights in the Constitution would try to stop peaceful protests and demonstrations in such a manner. How could people think that this kind of oppression was tolerable and that the blacks did not have a right and freedom to protest? Part of me wanted to be there to help make a difference and join in the struggle, but part of me was also really afraid just by reading about the events in Birmingham. The people who protested with Dr. King showed a tremendous amount of courage and passion that could not be put out by fire hoses or dogs. I do not think that anyone, who has not been the victim o f the extreme oppression that the blacks were victims of for hundreds of years, could understand why the civil rights movement was necessary at that time. Dr. King realized that you cannot wait for people to change their attitudes or beliefs, you have to help them see the error of their beliefs. It is easy for someone who is not being oppressed to tell you to wait. When you and your families are the victims of oppression and violence, you reach a breaking point when you realize that things need to change now. Dr. King had the courage to say that publicly, and people followed him in the struggle because of that courage. When you believe in something that much nothing, not even death can stop the struggle. Even after Dr. King was assassinated, his legacy lived on. His legacy was something that was stronger than the racists attitudes in this country and there was nothing they could do to stop his legacy. Our country has come a long way the events in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. Each da y we come closer to being the country that Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned, and I hope we get there soon. I look forward to the day that we can say as a country that oppression and racism were the biggest mistakes of our country and they are a thing of the past that shall never be relived by anyone. BibliographyKing, Martin Luther. Why We Cant Wait
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Module Review Questions free essay sample
Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use information systems successfully? What is the impact of information systems on organizations? * Define an organization and compare the technical definition of organizations with the behavioral definition. The technical definition of an organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the environment and develops them to outputs. The definition of an organization also focuses on three elements: Capital, labor, and production and products for consumption. The technical definition also infers that organizations are more stable than an informal group, and are formal legal entities, and are social structures. On the other hand behavioral definition of an organization defines it as a collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities that are carefully balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution. This definition highlights the people within the organization, their ways of working, and their relationships. We will write a custom essay sample on Module Review Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The relationship between technical definition and behavioral definition shows us how a firm can combine capital, labor, and information technology which impacts the inner workings of the organization. * Identify and describe the features of organizations that help explain differences in organizations’ use of information systems. Features that are common among an organization include the following: * Routines and business processes: Standard operating procedures (SOP) have been developed to allow an organization to become productive and efficient thereby reducing costs over time. Organizational politics: Differing viewpoints about how resources, rewards, and punishments should be distributed bring about political resistance to organization change. * Organizational culture: Assumptions that define the organizational goals and products create limitation on change, especially technological change. * Organizational environments: A shared relationship exists between an organization and environments; information systems provide organizations a way to identify external changes that might require an organizational response. Organizational structure: Information systems reflect the type of organizational structure entrepreneurial, machine, divisional, and professional bureaucracy, or adhocracy. * Describe the major economic theories that help explain how information systems affect organizations. There are two economic theories discussed in the book: transaction cost theory and agency theory. Transaction cost theory is based on that a firm incurs transaction costs when it buys goods in the marketplace rather than making products for itself. For example, traditional firms seek out to reduce transaction costs by getting bigger, hiring more employees, vertical and horizontal integration, and small-company takeovers. Information technology can help a firm lower the cost of market participation (transaction costs) and help firms shrink in size while producing the same or greater amount of output. In contrast, an agency theory views the firm as an interconnection of contracts among interested individuals. The owner employs employees to perform work on his or her behalf and delegates some decision making authority to them. Therefore employees need constant supervision and management, which creates management costs. As management costs rise the introduction of information technology reduces costs by providing information more easily so that managers can supervise a larger number of people with fewer resources. * Describe the major behavioral theories that help explain how information systems affect organizations. Behavioral theories, ranging from sociology, psychology, and political science, are useful for describing the behavior of individual firms. Behavioral researchers theorize that information technology could change the decision-making hierarchy by lowering the costs of information acquisition and distribution. For instance, IT could eliminate middle managers and their clerical support by sending information from operating units directly to senior management enabling information to be sent directly to lower-level operating units. IT even allows organizations to act as a virtual organization since they are no longer limited by geographic locations. One behavioral approach views information systems as the outcome of political competition between organizational subgroups. IT has become very involved with competition because it controls who has access to what information, and can control who does what, when, where, and how. * Explain why there is considerable organizational resistance to the introduction of information systems. There is considerable organizational resistance to new information systems because they change many important organizational dimensions, such as culture, structure, politics, and work. The first model described by the book states that changes in technology are absorbed, deflected, and defeated by organizational task arrangements, structures, and people. In this model the only way to bring about change is to change the technology, tasks, structure, and people simultaneously. A second model, which requires the need to unfreeze organizations before introducing an innovation, quickly implementing the new system, and then refreezing or institutionalizing the change. * Describe the impact of the Internet and disruptive technologies on organizations. As the Internet increases the accessibility, storage, and distribution of information and knowledge for organizations; nearly any information can be available anywhere at any time. This Internet increases the scope, depth, and range of information and knowledge storage. It also lowers the cost and raises the quality of information and knowledge distribution. Furthermore, lowers transaction costs and information acquisition costs. By using the Internet, organizations may reduce several levels of management, enabling a closer and quicker communication between upper levels and the lower levels management. Disruptive technologies caused by technological changes can have an effects on different companies depending on how they handle the changes. For example, some companies create the disruptions and succeed very well whereas other companies learn about the disruption and successfully adopt it. Other companies are obliterated by the change that they were very efficient at doing what no longer needs to be done. Some disruptions mostly benefit the firm. Other disruptions mostly benefit consumers as well. 2. How does Porter’s competitive forces model help companies develop competitive strategies using information systems? * Define Porter’s competitive forces model and explain how it works. The Porter’s competitive forces model provides a general view of a firm, its competitors, and the firm’s general business environment. In this model, five competitive forces shape the fate of the firm: * traditional competitors * new market entrants * substitute products and services * customers * suppliers * Describe what the competitive forces model explains about competitive advantage. Some businesses do better than others because they have access to special resources that others do not, or they are able to use common available resources more efficiently. The reason for this could be because of greater knowledge and information of assets. Nonetheless, they excel in revenue growth, profitability, or productivity, ultimately increasing their stock market valuations compared to their competitors. * List and describe four competitive strategies enabled by information systems that firms can pursue. Their four generic strategies, each of which has allowed a firm to use of information technology as a strategy. They are: * Low-cost leadership: Lowest operational costs and the lowest prices. Product differentiation: Enable new products and services, or greatly change the customer convenience in using existing products and services. * Focus on market niche: Enable a specific market focus and serve this narrow target market well than its competitors. * Strengthen customer and suppliers: Tighten links with suppliers and develop closeness with customers. * Describe how information systems can support each of these competitive strategies and give examples. Low-cost leadership: Use information systems to improve inventory management, supply management, and create efficient customer response systems. Example: Sam’s Club, Costco Product differentiation: Use information systems to create products and services that are customized and personalized to fit the precise specifications of individual customers. Example: Apple, Starbucks. Focus on market niche: Use information systems to produce and analyze data for finely tuned sales and marketing techniques. Analyze customer buying patterns, tastes, and preferences closely in order to efficiently pitch advertising and marketing campaigns to smaller target markets. Example: Whole Foods. Strengthen customer and supplier intimacies: Use information systems to facilitate direct access from suppliers to information within the company. Increase switching costs and loyalty to the company. Example: Amazon. com * Explain why aligning IT with business objectives is essential for strategic use of systems. The basic principle of IT strategy for a business is to ensure the technology serves the business and not the other way around. The more successfully a firm can align its IT with its business goals, the more profitable it will be. Business people must take an active role in shaping IT to the enterprise. A business cannot ignore IT issues nor tolerate failure in this area or just see it as a nuisance to work around. Businesses must understand what IT can do, how it works, and measure its impact on revenues and profits. 3. How do the value chain and value web models help businesses identify opportunities for strategic information system applications? * Define and describe the value chain model. The value chain model highlights specific activities in the business. The model also identifies specific and critical leverage points where a firm can use information technology the most effectively to enhance its competitive position. The value chain model views the firm as a series of basic activities that add a margin of value to a firm’s products or services. These activities are categorized as either primary or support activities. Primary activities are most directly related to production and distribution of the firm’s products and services, which create value for the customer. Support activities make the delivery of primary activities possible and consist of organization infrastructure. A firm’s value chain can be linked to the value chains of its suppliers, distributors, and customers. * Explain how the value chain model can be used to identify opportunities for information systems. Information systems can be used at each stage of the value chain to improve operational efficiency, lower costs, improve profit margins, and forge a closer relationship with customers and suppliers. Organizations can use information systems to help examine how value-adding activities are performed at each stage of the value chain. Information systems can also improve the relationship with customers and with suppliers. Furthermore, information systems can help businesses track benchmarks in the organization and identify best practices of their particular industries. After analyzing various stages in the value chain, an organization can devise a list of candidate applications for information systems. * Define the value web and show how it is related to the value chain. A value web is a collection of independent firms that use information technology to coordinate their value chains to collectively produce a product or service. Customer driven value web operates in a less linear fashion than the traditional value chain. The value web is a networked system that can synchronize the business processes of customers, suppliers, and trading partners among different companies in an industry or in related industries. * Explain how the value web helps businesses identify opportunities for strategic information systems. Information systems enable value webs to be flexible and adaptive to changes in supply and demand. Relationships can be bundled or unbundled in response to changing market conditions. Firms can accelerate their time to market and to customers by optimizing their value web relationships by making quick decisions on who can deliver the required products or services at the right price and location. Information systems make it possible for companies to establish and operate value webs. * Describe how the Internet has changed competitive forces and competitive advantage The Internet has nearly destroyed some industries and severely threatened others. The Internet has also created entirely new markets and formed the basis of thousands of new businesses. The Internet has enabled new products and services, new business models, and new industries to rapidly develop. For this reason the Internet has created a competitive rivalry which has become much more intense over the last decade. Internet technology is based on universal standards that any company can use, making it easy for rivals to compete on price alone and for new competitors to enter the market. Because of this information is available to everyone, and the Internet raises the bargaining power of customers, who can quickly find the lowest cost provider on the Web.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Basic Information About Adult Education
Basic Information About Adult Education With so many adults returning to the classroom, the term adult education has taken on new meanings. Adult education, in the broadest sense, is any form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling that ends in their 20s. In the narrowest sense, adult education is about literacy- adults learning to read the most basic materials. Thus, adult education encompasses everything from basic literacy to personal fulfillment as a lifelong learner and the attainment of advanced degrees. Andragogy and Pedagogy Andragogy is defined as the art and science of helping adults learn. Its distinguished from pedagogy, the school-based education traditionally used for children. Education for adults has a different focus, based on the fact that adults are: More self-directed and require less guidanceMature and bring more experience to the task of learningReady to learn and primed to learn what they need to knowMore oriented to learning that is problem-centered rather than subject-centeredMore internally motivated to learn Functional Literacy One of the primary goals of adult education is functional literacy. Organizations like the U.S. Department of Education and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) work tirelessly to measure, understand, and address adult illiteracy in the U.S. and around the world. Only through adult education can we address the real problems of society- like power sharing, wealth creation, gender and health issues. said Adama Ouane, director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. The programs of the Division of Adult Education and Literacy (part of the U.S. Department of Education) focus on addressing basic skills such as reading, writing, math, English language competency, and problem-solving. The goal is for American adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. Adult Basic Education In the U.S., each state is responsible for addressing the basic education of their citizens. Official state websites direct people to classes, programs, and organizations designed to teach adults how to read prose, documents like maps and catalogs, and how to make simple computations. Getting a GED Adults who complete basic adult education have the opportunity to earn the equivalent of a high school diploma by taking the General Educational Development, or GED, test. The test, available to citizens who have not graduated from high school, gives them the chance to demonstrate the level of achievement normally achieved by completing a course of study in high school. GED prep resources abound online and in classrooms around the country, designed to help students prepare for the five-part exam. The GED comprehensive exams cover writing, science, social studies, math, arts and interpreting literature. Adult Education and Continuing Education Adult education is synonymous with continuing education. The world of lifelong learning is wide open and covers a variety of circumstances including: Going to college for the first time after age 25Returning to college to finish a degreeWorking toward a graduate degreeLearning a technical skillEarning CEUs for professional certificationTaking classes at your local community center for the sheer fun of it
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
CASE STUDY - Essay Example George also needs to realize that it is not his wife’s fault and it is not due to her negligence that their daughter is unable to perform the basic activities of daily life. Among the primary things that he will have to realize is that he will have to step up and help his wife and child in this time and most importantly realize that without his support and patience, his family will suffer even more. Apart from George, I would want to see his wife Teresa and if possible, their children. In the case of Teresa, it is evident that she is suffering from severe depression which might have had an onset after the delivery of her daughter J.J. It is possible that she suffered from a severe case of Post-partum depression which was never treated and worsened into the depressive state that she is currently in. George has indicated that his wife shows an inability to remain emotionally calm and is often crying when he reaches home at night with L.B, his older child. This is indicative of the fact that Teresa is having trouble coping and due to the fact that she receives absolutely no moral and psychological support from anyone, her condition is worsening with time. By talking to Teresa, I would perform a depression assessment using discourse. I would also want to see George’s two children, L.B and J.J. The couple’s daughter three year old daughter is reportedly suffering from autism. The child supposedly cannot speak even though she is 3 years old. By seeing her I would like to confirm this prognosis. I would use the Psycho-educational Profile Revised (PEP-R) assessment for this child. For Teresa, the chosen assessment tool is discourse. This is due to the fact that her symptoms are clearly indicative of the fact that she is suffering from major depression and talking things out in depth with her is going to help me get to a concrete prognosis much quicker. The reason I
Monday, February 3, 2020
James Luna Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
James Luna - Essay Example The product of a Mexican father and Luiseno Indian mother, Luna was born in 1950 on the La Jolla Indian reservation in Southern California. Raised in Orange County, he received a degree in art from the University of California Irvine in 1976. At that time, the art department at Cal-Irvine was a significant influence throughout southern California in terms of encouraging performance and conceptual art. Upon graduation, Luna returned to the La Jolla Reservation and enrolled at San Diego State University where he received a Masters degree in counseling. Currently, he is employed by Palomar College in San Marcos as a counselor. Initially trained as a painter, Luna now travels the globe demonstrating his version of conceptualistic art working principally with presentation video and visual art. His performance combines contemporary artistic offerings with Indian rituals, parodies, humor and autobiographical nuance within the context of prevailing, conventional attitudes toward native culture. Although the artistic methods he employs would be readily recognizable to an audience that prefers contemporary performance or gallery art, he injects this form with the teachings of his native cultural heritage and presents current conditions of native peoples. Despite this, Luna maintains that his form of art is not intended to politically motivate his audience. â€Å"In doing work about social issues I use myself to explore conditions here on the reservation. It is not my place to tell people how to act†(Durland, 2003). Through his works, Luna constantly endeavors to challenge the stereotypical, idealized notion of the dignified, yet savage Indian. His performances are theatrical in nature and are aesthetically intricate while making both subtle and overt political observations all of which produce a multi-faceted perception regarding the native culture to the audience. Luna’s performance is hardly what
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Crucible and Hamlet | Analysis
The Crucible and Hamlet | Analysis In The Crucible and Hamlet, the main themes of manipulation, ambition and religion are used frequently. Nonetheless, these themes are found in either the initial conflict, climax or conflict resolution for the plays. The initial conflict reflects the theme of ambition, manipulation starts to fail during the climax, and religion is a common theme throughout both plays but can be seen during the conflict resolution. In The Crucible, Abigail is considered to be the antagonist and in Hamlet, the villain is Claudius who kills his brother in order to become King. Both these characters put to use these themes, and have many things in common in terms of their goals. Three main themes are found common between the antagonists of both plays, and ultimately, they intertwine with one another. Manipulation plays a great role in both The Crucible and Hamlet. Claudius was the most manipulative character in Hamlet, he was the antagonist. Abigail from The Crucible was also the villain and antagonist in the play and was not able to meet her end goal just like Claudius. The striving King manipulated the people of him using his remarkable language and speech which he used as his weapon. He used his language to persuade the people of the kingdom that he is a noble and loyal King; also, he used this to manipulate Gertrude into believing that he is a good man and can replace her husband. In The Crucible, Abigail also has a weapon, however it is not like the one Claudius has. Abigail has leverage against Proctor. Thus, Abigail uses Proctors adultery as influence over John and uses it to manipulate the entire town. The only people who know the antagonists true intentions are the protagonists of the story. The quote A murderer and a villain,/ A slave that is not twentieth part the tith / Of your precedent lord, a vice of kings,/ a cutpurse of the empire and the rule/ that from a shelf the precious diadem stole,/ And put it in his pocket-(Shakespeare, act 3, scene 4), was said by Hamlet while talking to Gertrude and convincing her that Claudius is not the person she thinks he is. He says that Claudius is a murderer and he was able to take the throne by stealing using his manipulative powers. The only two people who knew who Abigail really was, was John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, the audience sees this when Proctor says, She thinks to dance with me on my wifes grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whores vengeance, and you must see it.(Miller,73) . The theme of ambition is recognized in the initial conflict of both stories. The initial conflict in Hamlet was the sighting of the ghost, when Hamlet finds out what happened to Hamlet Sr., his father, the audience understands how ambitious Claudius really is. Claudius would do absolutely anything to maintain his power, so the audience understands, because it is said that he killed his brother in order to become King. The initial conflict in The Crucible is when the girls were dancing in the woods the audience sees that she would curse just to be with him. Abigails main objective is to be with John Proctor. She was the cause of the deaths of innocent people in the town. Claudius killed his brother for his objective and Abigail had no problem killing innocent people of Salem just so she could be with John. Claudius knew what he did was wrong but cannot come to admit it to others. His ambition blurred his ability to admit and take the blame for the death of his brother. In act 3, scene 3, he reflects on his guilt, My fault is past. But oh, what form of prayer/ Can serve my turn, Forgive me my foul murder? (Shakespeare, Scene 3 Act 3). We do not see this form of confession about her wrong-doings from Abigail. She was there to complete her goal, and was not able to do so; therefore, she ended up leaving Salem. Religion plays a great role in both stories, we see this particularly in Hamlet. Claudius goes into confession to reflect on his sins, which is ironic because if he cared so much about cleansing his soul, why would he commit murder in the first place? At the most, he should admit to his guilt and deal with the consequences. However, in his confession we see that he cannot bring himself to resign his assets, he says, I am still possessed/ of those effects for which I did the murder, / my crown, mine own ambition and my queen. (Shakespeare, Act 3, Scene 3). In the Crucible, society is so sure about the existence of the devil, and they are all religious, therefore, Abigail uses religion to get what she wanted. She knew that if she used religion, she would have an effect on society as a whole. Which she tries to do by saying that she is associated with the Devil. In conclusion, the main themes of manipulation, religion and ambition play a great role in Hamlet and The Crucible. These three themes are common in the antagonists of the plays and also are found in either the initial conflict, climax or conflict resolution. In both plays, the protagonists know the truth behind everything. Claudius occasionally showed signs of guilt as well as signs of love towards Gertrude. However, Abigail only showed signs of love toward John Proctor, and throughout the story there are no signs of human feeling from her. All these themes are intertwined with one another. In the Crucible, Abigail uses religion as a form of manipulation to attain her goal. In Hamlet, ambition causes the death of Claudius brother, which results in him manipulating Gertrude and the kingdom, and ultimately allows him to show human feelings in confession. Therefore, the audience notices that both antagonists share common themes that occurred in each play.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Descriptive Essay – My Daughter’s Birthday
My Daughter’s Birthday I was almost nine months pregnant at the beginning of September, the summer coming to an end, but nonetheless, the bun in the oven was cooking on very high temperatures making me feel hot and miserable. As I waited in the doctor’s office for my weekly routine visit, I thought to myself, â€Å"I have two more visits left before I meet my sweet baby girl. †My doctor told me that due to the presumed size of my baby if I did not go into labor by the next morning, she was going to induce my labor.Being a new mom, I did not know what that meant but I had heard from other moms that this was a painful process and undoubtedly, I became scared. Sympathetic of my anxiety towards the induction, my doctor gave me some advice. She said go home, eat some greasy foods and have sex with your partner and that should make you go into labor. So needless to say, I followed my doctor’s orders. The calzones we ordered from our local pizzeria were deliciou s, dripping entirely with gooey cheese and grease.I jumped into bed to make love to my hubby and we were fast asleep by no later than 10:00 p. m. At about 1:00 a. m. , I woke up to subtle tightening on my belly. I thought to myself, â€Å"was that a contraction I just felt? †After about 10 minutes, sure enough I felt a lighting strike across my belly causing me to jump out of bed startling and waking my husband from his sleep. He suddenly laughed and said, â€Å"Did your doctor’s tip work? †Evidently it did, because a couple of hours later, we were headed to the hospital to deliver a baby.After arriving at the hospital it all seemed to have happened so fast because before I knew it, I was already undressed, robed and made as comfortable by the nurses. The discomfort of my labor pains had grown stronger and intensified each time I had a contraction taking over my belly. At about 10: 00 a. m. , the anesthesiologist and was ready to administer the epidural and th e fear of the long frightening needle, became a blessing in disguise.Within seconds the anesthesia began to work and the pain became much more tolerable. Shortly after a lengthy nap I heard the nurse say, â€Å"I’m calling the doctor, it’s time to start pushing. †By this time, mom and my sisters had arrived at the hospital and were also in the room. Of course my husband was also in the room which made the room headcount to about eight or nine people. My nurse told me, â€Å"just remember, screaming doesn’t help get the baby out you need to push with all you have†.I hung on to those words thinking I needed to focus and not be so dramatic which is pretty much what she implied. I needed to be ready, like a professional boxer is when he steps into a ring to meet his match. After three attempts of trying to push what felt like a basketball at the time, I became frustrated and fiercely told the doctor â€Å"get it out! †I looked over to my mom a nd she was crying as both my sisters were as well, and thought to myself shouldn’t I be the one crying?After a couple more pushes, I soon got what I and everyone else in that room wanted. At four minutes after five that evening, Sydney was born. Immediately after the nurses got her cleaned up and laid her on my chest and I was able to hold her in my arms and I looked at her beautiful soft face, my eyes welled up with tears as she so strongly took my breath away. Sydney was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen in my entire life. From that point forward, my life changed completely for the better and it will never be the same.
Friday, January 10, 2020
A Review of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt
A Review of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt The Meaning of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt These tasks are frequently the ones a student overlooks. It's difficult to seek out help and direction that is simple to comprehend and follow. Yes, there are a number of students who can pull that sort of fabrication off with aplomb, but in the majority of scenarios, can does not mean should. Employing hands-free headsets won't work because it's the call that is distracting, not holding the telephone. The authors of literary work employ literary strategies, in a wide means to better the growth of the piece. The knowledge which you will get from developing a literary essay truly is something you could apply in various features of life especially in educational and literary purposes. One of the standard facets of successful art is that individuals take it for real. 1 One of the standard facets of successful art is that folks take it for real. Analysis of Content Bierce's narrative is one which uses content as a way of playing with literary devices. Thesis Statement in aLiterary Analysis Outline After you collect all of the material that you need, the next thing to do is to compose your thesis statement. Don't hesitate to browse the webpage and click on any individual download hyperlink button below a sample which you like. Next, a concise overview of the work is presented so the reader, who's perhaps not acquainted with the text, will be aware of what the text is all about. Then add any additional information which will help explain your topic. You will not discover a thesis statement generator online that is able to make an original argument which will not bore the reader. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Ideally, the target of close reading is to realize how an author's argument works as precisely as possible to be able to formulate a cogent and well-reasoned reaction. Be certain to read through the essay question a few times, then jot down the essential term or terms which let you know what approach you ought to be taking. Men and women who have trouble setting goals or don't know how to accomplish this, will obtain a better understanding after following the excerpts f rom these types of authors. You might just want to restate the question. In case the answer calls for a whole lot of information, you can need more than 1 paragraph. No matter the topic on which you're writing, all crucial responses follow the exact format. Read on to learn the answers to these questions! If you're being requested to construct an argument, it might not be the case which you simply have to write about which side is perfect. The essay ends off with a conclusion that brings together all your statements in a fashion that supports the major argument. Next comes the all-important thesis statement that contains a clear outlining of what characteristics of the author's argument you are going to be discussing. He uses substantial scientific evidence to support her argument and offers a personal opinion to emphasize the fundamental importance of individual choice. Introducing Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt To start with the end in mind means to begin with a very clea r comprehension of your destination. After you have that feeling of mission, you have the basis of your own proactivity. Simply take some time to consider it. Apparently, understanding how to clean burning oil isn't high on the list of things every 9-year-old should know. The True Meaning of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt The Introduction The coming of the literary analysis essay outline will set up the entire essay. There are various types of essay prompts. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Scroll down the page in order to look at extra essay samples which might help you in creating your very own literary essay. A prompt tells you what things to write about and why you're writing. If this is the case, you've seen an overall instance of a crucial response essay. Based on how long that you have, you might be able to move into Day 5 work. People today relish temporary victories rather than holding off and being victorious in the long term. Getting in a position to concentrate on the end goal can help you take the appropriate steps needed now to get there. All it requires is a couple goals for one to acquire hope and happiness. The Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt Chronicles At the exact same time, however, it embodies some of the most problematic facets of the new SAT for me. Smith goes on to say that there isn't a particular set of values which every individual should live by. It is intended to demonstrate how this form of academic paper needs to be written. All you need to do is to select one. The Basic Facts of Samples for Practice on Responding to a Literary Essay Prompt When you are finished writing, you can return and look about your results to make sure your argument and your thesis coincide. Your essay should conclude with the same kind of gesture. 1 method of argumentation won't be fit for each context. Some tests include things like writing prompts.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Ethical Issues in Couseling Confidentiality Essay
Ethical Issues in Counseling: Confidentiality According to Code of Ethics of the American Mental Health Counselors Association (2000) it has the following principle about confidentiality: At the outset of any counseling relationship, mental health counselors make their clients aware of their rights in regard to confidential nature of the counseling relationship. â€Å"They fully disclose the limits of, or exceptions to, confidentiality, and or the existence of privileged communication, if any. (Corey, Schneider Callanan, 2011) This previous paragraph clearly stating what our ethical approach to confidentiality should be can be found in section 3.a in the Code of Ethics of the AMHCA. This paper starts with this probably confusing to others†¦show more content†¦Speaking of ways that the Code of Ethics may be â€Å"broken†what do we do when is a life threatening situation like AIDS and there is a 3rd party involved? And What if it is a minor? What should we as counselor do? Will we be breaking the code of ethi cs? These are questions that rose in my mind when searching for articles for this paper and it is important to cover them. According to Elliot D. Cohen in his article titled â€Å" Confidentiality, counseling, and Clients who have AIDS: Ethical Foundations of a Model Rule†he points out that the Ethical Standards of the American Association of Counseling and Development (AACD) â€Å" the counseling relationship and information resulting therefrom must be kept confidential, consistent with the obligations of the member as a professional person†(AACD,1988,Section b.2) meaning that all information that is shared in a counseling session should be kept confidential, as a secret between client and counselor, and that is something that when we hear the word confidential we immediately think no information will be shared with anybody else, but there is certain circumstances where this ethical code might not apply. If you find out for a fact, that your client, that you have been treating has a life threatening disease like AIDS, and is having sexual relations with another person things might change a little,
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